Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not regretfully or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Here are several giving methods you can use to help us fulfill our vision of being a
multigenerational, community-focused family of faith. Thank you for your generosity!

IN PERSON. Every Sunday during the worship service, the offering plate is passed as we worship through giving. During this time, you can give your cash or check and your gift will be recorded and deposited the next business day. You are also welcome to bring your offering by the church office anytime Monday-Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM.

MAIL. Send to South Garland Baptist Church at 1330 E Centerville Rd, Garland, TX 75043 and please note whether your offering is intended for the budget or for a designated fund. All offerings default to budgeted giving unless otherwise specified.

ONLINE. Schedule a one-time or recurring gift charged to your debit or credit card as an ACH from your checking account by clicking here.

REALM CONNECT APP. Download the Realm Connect app from the App Store or Google Play to easily make gifts and see past giving on your mobile device.

STOCK DONATION. Contact the church office at (972) 271-5428 or kay.ashley@sgbaptist.net to learn how to donate.

FROM YOUR IRA. Those over 70.5 years old can donate up to $100,000 from your IRA tax-free, reducing future tax burdens. Contact the church office at (972) 271-5428 or kay.ashley@sgbaptist.net to learn more.

LEGACY GIVING. One way to leave a lasting impact on your church is by making a bequest to SGBC. Please contact the church office at (972) 271-5428 or kay.ashley@sgbaptist.net to inform the church if you choose to leave SGBC in your will.